I like to exercise! All throughout my life I have indulged in some or the other kind of workouts. Its known and proven very well that exercising is good, nothing new in that. If you want to lose weight, exercise! If you want to get fit, exercise, if you have health issues, exercise! If you are stressed or depressed, exercise! Phew!!! The list is ongoing. However, I must confess that from the time I have become a mother, I was seeing all sorts of excuses to start with my workout and diet routines. I thought I will not find time with my little one, so let her be at least 6 months old and I will find some free time then came her 8 months and then her ten months. During this waiting time, while I was browsing the web I saw this particular pic. It was an eye opener and thought I will never get my free time for exercising, I need to find some. So I pulled out all my motivation and started with my diet and exercise regimes. Today I have become pretty consistent with these routines. This was not easy, but then followed few motivational methods (some mine and some from the web) which got me back on track.